by UC Davis California Center for Urban Horticulture

Resource Type: Database and Website
Source: UC Davis California Center for Urban Horticulture
Grades: Middle School and High School

Database of many plant species common in California showing their watering needs at the regional level. Invaluable when planning for drought-tolerant landscapes.

Technology to improve the environment
LS1.C: Organization for matter and energy flow in organisms
ESS3.A: Natural resources
  • Plants need water to photosynthesize and grow, but their water needs differ greatly.
  • Good environmental stewardship as well as existing and forthcoming legislation require thoughtful choice of plants in terms of their water needs. 
  • Database could be used to design landscapes with waterwise plants.

Driving questions:
  • How can we choose plant species wisely to reduce use of limited freshwater?
  • Are native species generally heavy water users?
  • When we bring plants that need a lot of water to an ecosystem, how are we changing it?
Topics: California, design, drought, native species, and waterwise plants
Features: database and technology