by D McCoy, B Goulet-Scott, W Meng, B Atahan, H Kiros, M Nishino, J Kartesz

Resource Type: Dataset
Source: Dryad
Grades: Middle School and High School

Data on more than 5 million urban trees in 63 large US cities is included in this dataset, including location (latitude/longitude), species, native vs nonnative status, health, trunk diameter, and more. Some data organization and cleaning was done.

Native species
Plant growth
LS1.B: Growth and development of organisms
LS4.D: Biodiversity and humans
  • Tons of data that can be analyzed in conjunction with other datasets on biodiversity, census tracts, socio-demographic data, etc.
  • A number of California cities are available.
Driving questions:

While this data could be used for many analyses, some interesting questions might include:

  • Which cities have the highest proportion of native species?
  • Which cities have the largest/healthiest trees?
  • Using a GIS platform: Is there a correlation between the income levels of a specific census tract or neighborhood and the number of trees present?
  • How does the number of trees vary with the number of people in a city?
Topics: California, growth, and native species
Features: data table and raw data